Thursday, November 17, 2016

Carissa and Claudia's Website is Live

Claudia and Carissa are proud to annouce that their website to raise money for animals is live!
Claws and Paws Bracelets

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Nathan's Innovation Project

Nathan chose to study cars for his innovation project. He researched questions he had about cars. He was proud that he found 25 facts. He used his research to make a PowerPoint and shared with this with his classmates using Edmodo. Last Nathan built a model car out of Legos.  Nathan learned that it is hard to find facts, but he also learned that he has a strength in building with Legos.
Car PowerPoint

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Learning about Risk Management

As part of our Leadership unit in Fifth grade, we look at understanding risk management. The students listed some current issues that they are dealing with. We chose the risk of loading the software, Psishon, onto their student laptops. We investigated the three strategies of reduction, retention and avoidance. Eventually we concluded that the potential risks were greater than the benefits.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Why Focus on Questioning?

I have added a new component to GATE. Each morning we watch a video or view a website and then write 5 questions. Students need to develop curiosity and the skills of questioning to be a 21st century learner. This blog post is a good summary of why this change is good for students.Cultivating Curiosity by Deliberately Teaching Students How to Ask Questions