Thursday, November 14, 2013

November 2013

I want to inform you of the generosity of Paul Sanford. He has given us $4000 for our robotics program. His generosity has made it possible for us to upgrade to the newest version of Lego Robotics and to compete in the FIRST Lego Leagues Robotics competition. Thank you for the generous gift.

Third Grade
The third grade group has been studying techniques to improve creative thinking. We have used the techniques of productive thinking, SCAMPER and Category List. We have been working on evaluating our ability to think fluently, flexibly, with elaboration and originality. We have enjoyed creative thinking activities.
The students have also investigated five traits of giftedness, above-average ability, task commitment, creativity, courage and caring. We have looked closely at each trait and then evaluated ourselves on these traits. Our last activity will be to make a book to show our strengths in these areas.

Fourth Grade
Fourth grade students have been studying social justice. We have investigated religious intolerance, racism, child labor and bullying through literature and art. The students have worked on developing their visual and verbal communication skills through art, drawing, writing and poetry labs. This month, we began an independent research project on a self selected social injustice. Next month, we will use the knowledge from our research to create a persuasive piece to promote social justice.

Fifth Grade
The fifth graders have been working hard to prepare for the FLL competition. They have learned how to program the robots and have completed numerous tasks. To complete a task, students used creative problem solving, inventive thinking, logical thinking, and scientific research. The tasks are very complex. The second component of the competition is to present an invention to solve a natural disaster. The students researched natural disasters and decided to address flooding. They listed many inventive solutions and then decided to create a new type of ditch that has a drop down to a storage tank when the ditch fills. We learned more about flooding and the most current techniques to mitigate flooding from Calette Orr. Thank you Mrs. Orr.
We will compete at Arab High School on December 7th.

Do you need resources for holiday gifts? Here is a resource from Hogies Gifted Education