All of the classes are also working in a Project M3 unit. These math units were developed through the National Research Center on Gifted. Third grade is pictured playing a game called "Some Difference". The students are studying our base-ten number system through various activities. Fourth grade is working on "At the Mall with Algebra" which focuses on developing the understanding of variables, expressions and equations. Fifth grade is working on "What are your Chances?" which investigates probability and the Law of Large Numbers.
Here is a group of Fourth graders working in creativity stations. These stations give students the opportunity to practice creative strategies. The students have also been using the Independent Investigative Method to answer questions. These questions were developed using the Kaplan Dimensions of Depth and Complexity. The questions have greatly challenged the students.
Fifth grade has been studying the qualities of good leadership through the unit, Changing Tomorrow. This unit was developed at the William and Mary Center for Gifted Education. We have investigated: 1) the visionary qualities of Walt Disney 2) the empathic listening of Ben Carson 3) Amelia Earheart and risk taking 4) Bill Gates and building motivation. We will continue with 6) Clara Barton and taking action and 7) Tecumseh and Legacy. The students will then select a leader in a field of interest, and analyze their qualities based on generalizations we have developed.