Thursday, September 12, 2013

September News

Alabama Association for Gifted Children will hold their annual conference September 26th and 27th at McWane Science center. Parents are welcome any part of the conference, but on September 27th there will be sessions specifically for parents. Please visit the AAGC website for more information ( ).

Fifth Grade students have begun our FLL Robotics. We are building one of the field kits, and starting on our Project. This year's topic is Natural Disasters. If you have any contacts with scientists or EMS, we would love to reach out to them as experts to consult. We will begin afternoon sessions on Wednesdays as soon as the software is loaded.

Fourth Grade has begun a unit on Art and Social Justice. We will be looking at issues of injustice, and ways to be agents of change. Visual Art and written art will be the media we will investigate. We will learn how writers and artists can use their talent to make meaningful change.

Third Grade has begun and we are focusing on learning about the brain and how we can maximize our abilities. We will learn creative thinking skills and critical thinking skills as part of this unit. We will also learn about giftedness and the five traits of eminence, above average ability, creativity, task commitment, courage and caring.

We have lots of excitement and learning going on. Thank you for your support.

FLL Robotics Volunteers

We have received two field kits this year. The Kimbel family generously donated a foldable table and the funds to purchase a second field kit. I am now looking for adults to help build the items for the second table. Please come whenever you have free time Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday 8 am to 3pm. I will supply you with the Legos and the directions.
Lego play for adults!